Betting on Draws

Even better than this is the idea that through judicious application of combination bets consisting of stakes on draws, the player can achieve extremely high profits. So while everyone else is bemoaning the dullness of the drawn result, the gambler has the potential to be elated – provided they win of course! Then again, the despair of losing may be better than the boredom a draw normally induces.
The odds given to draws are surprisingly high, especially when one considers that they are actually a fairly common outcome. The results of a study undertaken in 2005 showed that out of football matches played in 125 leagues, from teams worldwide, the total number of draws from all the matches of a single season ranged from a low 8% (this from the 3rd division of Norway) ranging up to 41% (for the Premier division of Camaroon). These statistics can seem a little obscure, but it is certainly interesting to note that during international games, for example the World Cup Qualifiers of UEFA, and other international events, featuring teams that rarely play one another, the overall drawing rates are on average considerably higher: ranging from 25% to 33%.
It can take considerable knowledge to predict draws. Most seasoned football supporters would be more comfortable in predicting wins, or at least specific winning scores. With draws however you have to be certain that the sides are evenly matched. You must also have up to date information regarding the state of the teams in question – for example are there any key players injured, or will a side be saving some of its better players for a future match, and be using substitutes instead? Most experienced gamblers who favour betting on draws would want the two teams to be of equivalent strength, and also interestingly, they would want them both to be low goal scorers. The thinking her is that with less goals scored the chances of the numbers matching is actually higher.
The results of a ten season study of the UK Football league and Premiership came up with the results that on average the total number of goals scored per match was about 2.57. This is interesting in itself, but as regards draws, the study showed that about 26% of the games resulted in an equal score. It turned out that, as expected, it was the lower scoring teams that were more commonly drawing – to put it more plainly, there was a negative correlation between the total number of goals a team scored in a season, and the amount of draws they had.
There are many different tactics employed by gamblers, in the hope of increasing their chances. One of these techniques is the use of betting progressions. Along with betting on draws, another progression, albeit a rather mathematical one, is betting on the Fibonacci sequence. This is best used when all bets are made with odds of 2.62 or greater. It is required that the bet progressively increases when there is a loss along the particular sequence of 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21 etc. As can be seen each number is a sum of the two preceding numbers. The player must at each step increase their wager until they win – the idea being that this win will negate all the preceding losses. The downside to this rather intricate and daring scheme is that much money can be lost before the player is finally victorious.